Cuisine & Location

Experience the Vibrant Atmosphere and Flavors of Africa

Flow Illustration

African Food Culture

Emeka Ogboh

A journey through African kitchen

AFRIQUES Aux Gazelles is not just a culinary event but a multisensory exploration of migration. Hosted in Vienna, this innovative project engages with the complex narratives of migration by stimulating all five human senses—taste, smell, sound, sight, and touch—providing a profound and immersive understanding of cultural exchange and movement.

By engaging all five senses, AFRIQUES AuxGazelles Food Pop-Up transcends a typical culinary event, transforming it into a contemplative exploration of migration. Each sensory element is carefully curated to contribute to a comprehensive narrative, inviting guests to reflecton the cultural, historical, and social dimensions of migration.

Afrika Regions Card

Through the following dishes, diners can experience aflavorful journey across Africa, each dish telling a story of itsregion‘s unique culinary heritage and vibrant traditions.

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The Venue

Aux Gazelles, known as a "Hotel sans chambres," is a versatile venue founded in 2002 in Vienna. Since then it offers  a rich immersion into North African culture through a variety of events, featuring music, food, drinks, and a traditional hammam spa. This unique establishment offers an authentic cultural experience by blending elements of african  design and hospitality into its agenda.

Aux Gazelles Website