Mariem Yin

Mariem Yin

Contemporary Artist

Week 1

Contemporary Art Exhibiton

Immerse yourself in the vibrant world of contemporary art at the Afriques@AuxGazelles festival this August.

When I began with photography I started to shoot some of the strange and interesting people I observed around Bab Doukkala bus station in Marrakech; a man in a Jellabah with book sewn into one side of his clothing and wheel with Arabic writing in the middle on the other, or a guy we called ‘The King of Metal’ because of the empty tuna tins he had cleaned and sewn onto his clothing so they would jangle when he walked. At the time I also used these people as inspiration for dance, they inspired me with their natural stage presence, the way they looked and moved, ignorant of the rest of the world around them. The thread I use is used by women in Morocco to create colorful baskets and artisan goods, artisanship was a normal part of our life growing up, my mum used to make yarn from pure wool and sell it on the market so she could buy us treats, my Granny made rugs and fabric for Jellabah’s to help with extra income. I wanted to apply this sense of hard work and artisanship to my views of daily life – I guess I’m poking fun a bit too at the instant and throw away side of digital photography