Art Ouarzazate Fashion craft house

Art Ouarzazate Fashion craft house

Craft & Design

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Maison AOZ, founded in 1959 in Marrakech, is led by brothers Samad and Malek. They create luxury handcrafted fashion with a tradition of creativity and excellence.

It was in 1959 that Maison AOZ was created in Marrakech.​ It is now the second generation, represented by two brothers, Samad and Malek, who run the family business and carry on a tradition of creativity and excellence that began over 60 years ago.​ It is under their leadership that Maison AOZ is betting on luxury handcrafted manufacture, serving joyful, elegant and colorful fashion.​ Renowned for their discretion, the collections designed season after season by Samad and Malek are the best testimony of their creativity and the know-how of the craftsmen they trust.

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